Cristiano Ronaldo on peak form
Sir Alex Ferguson had earlier saluted Ronaldo's early season form, naming the 21-year-old as United's best player so far this term. Sir Bobby has since added his own glowing endorsement of the winger and believes Ronaldo is currently at the peak of his powers.
"He's playing better than ever now at the club," Sir Bobby told Sky Sports News. "He's learning not to do the really difficult things. If the simple thing is on he'll do that, but put him round about the 18-yard box, one against one, and defenders have a problem. He's a great talent and he's still only young.
"I remember when I first saw him in a European youth tournament," recalled the United legend. "I was on holiday somewhere and I watched a Portuguese match that was on with these young lads. I remember saying 'wow'.
"I was a bit like a lot of people and thought some of the stepovers were a bit over the top. But there was an end product. I thought what a talent and excitement if you could just harness it."

Tag: MUFC Phone , C.Ronaldo , English Premier League , Sir Alex Furgeson,
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